FYI sort of Update

While I’m keeping this blog for eventual longer essay-posts, the blog format in general is too . . .big . . . for the type of post I’m usually doing, which is seeing something cool/ interesting/ etc, and passing it on, maybe with a comment or three of my own. So, i’ve been trying to figure out some other platforms, and I think Tumblr is really better suited toward that.

So, if interested, you can find me more regularly at:

WARNING: In addition to most of the stuff you’re used to seeing, you’ll also be explosed to 1) Fangirling over many things and 2) Random thoughts. Some of it is serious, a lot of it isn’t. So, er, FYI.

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About zmalfoy

Z. Malfoy is a practicing Catholic-with-an-"interesting"-past. She earned her Bachelor's Degree in Music Education (Spec. Voice) from Loyola University New Orleans, and has since taken a few business courses to expand her knowledge base. In her free time, she studies belly-dance, alchemy, theology, and various skills related to self-sufficiency. She also enjoys reading science fiction, refreshing her French, and watching anime. She recently started with learning Krav Maga and Russian.

Moderation has been eased. For now. Don't be dunderheads.